The Dream 28/Aug/04
The Dream with Hamish Carter and Bevin Dougarty
I didn't know the show was on an hour early so missed half the show.
Roy and HG commentate the rythmic gymnastics. Roy thinks this sport is for kids who are fit but have no ambitions. They also need to show a fragility of mind. After watching the rhythmic gymnastics Roys says its like a night perfume after two weeks of BO.
Hamish Carter and Bevin Dougarty
Two New Zealand triatheletes who got gold and silver in the same event. New Zealand is the only country in the world that wont let them take there wreaths (the crown made of plants that they wear after winning gold) because of quarantine worries. The prime minister of New Zealand congratulated them after winning. Now that they've won gold Roy wonders if they've had many sponsorship offers. Bevin says before he got into the Olympic team he really struggled getting money and had to borrow money from a mate to be able to train. He also says going past corn fields he was tempted to pick off some corn because he was that low on money.
Some Olympic mishaps. A pole vaulter lands on his back. In war, when you pole vaulted the aim was to land on your feet.
A Norwegian emails in and just writes 'I'm embarrassed about my fellow Norwegians'. Theres no need for her to say any more than that.